Thursday, 14 March 2013

Experimenting with Happy Mood

Happy Mood
The March 13 Photohunt took us to Happy Mood, and its associated sims, Be Happy and Cadenza

I've visited the sims before, so I took the opportunity to relax and experiment a little in this  feature rich environment. Happy Mood is also home to HPMD, where you can purchase your own copies of  Sasaya Kayo's detailed creations, the lush plants and animals decorating the sim.
Happy Mood

 I fought my tendency to look for sweeping vistas; instead, I concentrated on details, which these sims have in abundance, and experimented with different ways of looking at them.
Happy Mood
One of the rules of the Photohunt challenge is that the image you enter can't be manipulated after the fact, so no true B&W images for me; I do manage, through careful windlight settings, to often present a more limited palette of colours. 

But for this week's entry, since I was experimenting, I decided to go with both full on colour and the theme we were given of "soft." I found this bit of cotton candy in the sky above Cadenza.
The Photohunt challenge takes place twice a week: Monday at 11:30 a.m. SLT and Wednesday at 6 p.m. SLT, starting from our gallery at Afar.

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